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No! You can book a consultation and we will provide you with a  tailored roadmap of how to go about your application, based on your grades and profile. You can totally DIY your UCAS application.

Yes! Not only is it allowed but we highly encourage our students to bring their parents in for their consultation sessions. Firstly, if they are financing your studies it is only fair they are aligned with your plans. Secondly, if you are having trouble convincing your parents to agree on the university, major, or country of your choice, BGN is here to help them understand your perspective and have both parties on the same page.

If you want to start Fall 2024, you should start working with us no later than December of 2023 (Basically start the year before you’d like to start the program).

You should start working on your UCAS undergraduate application the summer before your A2 starts! So you have the time to head start before your peers and focus on your academics based on your dream universities! 

If you feel the A Level system is not for you, apply for the foundation program in the UK! It’s an alternate to the A level system, you can complete it in one year and head on to university. 

Yes! If you have a minimum of CCC at A levels you are eligible for International Year 1 programs at Russell Group Universities. 

 Foundation year is a 1 year diploma, it’s an alternate to the A Level system where once you complete it you can jumpstart your university journey. You can apply for foundation as soon as after O Levels! International Year 1 is a fast track way into a Russell Group university if you have had A Level grades, you can get into a RG university with minimum CCC through IY1, only difference is in the first year you will take more English language courses. In IY1 you can complete your undergraduate in 3 years!